Several months before departure, the faculty or staff leader of the program must complete the online proposal for taking students abroad and submit this, along with supporting documents, to the associate director of study abroad. The online application for filing a proposal will open on January 1 for programs running in the following academic year (fall, spring, summer).Proposals are reviewed and either approved, rejected, or approved with modifications required by the OIE and the International Education Committee (IEC). Please check with the Associate Director of Study Abroad for dates and times of IEC meetings.
Short-term experiences abroad may not be advertised or publicized to students before they have been cleared by the OIE and the International Education Committee.
Repeat Short-Term Programs
Short-term programs that are repeated must be presented to the IEC for a vote every three years. In the other years, a proposal must be filed with the OIE for reference, and will be sent to the IEC for information, but no vote is necessary unless there is a substantial change in the location, content or safety conditions of the program.